
Designed for the bitcoin mining industry

Settle energy and hosting agreements using real-time energy and market data on bitcoin’s Lightning Network.

Benefits of Synota’s Settlement Platform

Bitcoin Miner

  • Transact in bitcoin and settle dollars automatically.
  • Accurate expense and margin data.
  • Simplified cost structure and lower risk.

Bitcoin Mining Host

  • Automate financial processes and simplify settlement.
  • Verifiable and auditable operational data.
  • Intelligently manage credit and collateral.

Grow the Lightning Network

Synota is leading the growth and utility of bitcoin by shifting the mining industry onto bitcoin’s Lightning Network.

We are a bitcoin technology company founded by energy experts that builds superior financial products and services.

Source:, 3 Feb 2023

Impact Mining

Bitcoin for the common good.

Synota is leveraging its technology to enable energy investment in unpowered communities around the world.

We look forward to sharing more in 2023.

Participating members of Ohio BlockChain council and Texas Blockchain council.